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Fairfield Hills Management - 9/21/04
The Ad Hoc Fairfield Hills Management Committee held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 in the meeting room at Canaan House, Fairfield Hills, Newtown, CT.  Chairman John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  John Reed, Robert Geckle, Amy Dent, Moira Rodgers, William Lavery, Donald Studley, Richard Sturdevant    ABSENT:  Andrew Willie

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, State Representative Julia Wasserman, Maria DeMarco (DeMarco, Murphy & Miles), Jan Andras (clerk), three members of public, one member of press

Acceptance of Minutes:  Upon motion by Mr. Lavery, the minutes of the 8/19/04 meeting and the 8/26/04 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

Facilities Manager’s Report:  Ms. DeMarco reported that it has been a hectic few weeks at Canaan House.  On 9/13, at 5:30 pm, her office was notified by the Garner Correctional Facility that they were having problems with water pressure.  She checked with the others on the system and found that they had water.  She checked with Aquarion Services and found that there was a problem with the float in the water tank and that the water level was low and the manual overdrive had taken over.  At 2:00 a.m., the override stopped and the tank drained out.  At 6:00 am, Garner called again.  On that same morning, there was a significant water leak in Canaan House where water was running from the third floor bathrooms down the stairwells into the “C” wing which was being occupied by 3-4 Board of Education employees.  Those pipes were sealed off.  A meeting was held with the First Selectman, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Schools Building Supervisor Dominick Posca, and representatives from Aquarion, Garner and Nunnawauk Meadows to set up the procedures for any future water issues.  
        There have been more break-ins of the buildings that are not yet boarded up.   Ms. DeMarco would like to get the word out to the public that the tunnels have been sealed are not accessible from any of the buildings.  Public Works Director Fred Hurley is supplying the security people with two radios so they will have faster access to patrolling police officers.  Ms. DeMarco was asked to get a profile of who is breaking in to the buildings.
        Quotes have been requested to clean the gutters on the buildings that are not being demolished.  The gutters can be cleaned but the downspouts are compacted with debris and cannot be flushed.  They will have to be replaced.
        The basement clean up is continuing and should be finished by the end of the month.
        Ms. DeMarco estimates $70,000 to install a heating system in Newtown Hall which is in better shape than the other buildings and should be heated to prevent any further deterioration.  She will bring firm prices to next meeting.  
        Regarding the options for renovations to Canaan House vs. relocation, Ms. DeMarco and First Selectman Rosenthal have found a site that could work.  They are also continuing to look at renovations for Canaan.  By the end of this month, they should be able to make a final recommendation.
        Today, Danbury and Newtown Police Departments had a joint training effort at one of the buildings.  

Officers Report:  Chairman Reed reported that he attended a meeting, with the First Selectman, regarding the Remedial Action Plan.  Mr. Reed had hoped that demolition could begin in December, but realizes that nothing can happen until the contaminated soils have been removed.   We need to hire an engineer to help with the specs for demolition, site work and to interact with playing field construction.  It may be more cost effective to purchase certain equipment to use for soil removal and other aspects of demolition and then sell the equipment when finished.  This will be looked into further.

Security:  Mr. Sturdevant and Mr. Geckle held a meeting on 9/14 with town personnel.  The securing of buildings is continuing.  The gates will be ordered soon.  There was a suggestion to rehab the engineer’s residence at the traffic light on Wasserman Way rather than use a modular guard facility.  It was also suggested to Ms. DeMarco that one of the two security personnel be designated as supervisor so that routine daily operating decisions will not have to be referred to the main office of the management company.  It is also being suggested that we need to have ore frequent security guard stops at Canaan House.  Ms. DeMarco will lay out the on-site plan, where check points should be and what intervals.
        Public Works Director Fred Hurley is working on a master key program for the entire campus.  Fire Marshal Bill Halstead had reported that there are five hydrants that need to be replaced.

Use Policy:  Ms. Dent reported that she has received materials from CCM and will begin to work on this, along with Ms. Rodgers.  

Public Participation:  Mr. John Nickerson, 14 Sweet Meadow Road, asked if there is a capital line item budget for Fairfield Hills.  First Selectman Rosenthal advised that operating costs are in the annual town budget.  The capital items were approved almost two years ago as part of the bond issue.  The Master Plan does not call for a budget but lays out the kinds of things that can be done on the campus.  

First Selectman’s Report:  Regarding an off-site lease for town and school employees, Mr. Rosenthal reported that he is looking at space in town that will not require a lot of “build out” costs.  This would get employees off the campus during demolition and remediation.


Action Pertaining to Recommendations:  Mr. Lavery moved to approve the recommendation of the security committee that the former engineers’ residence be appropriately renovated for uses such as security and other possible functions for Fairfield Hills and to look into the possibility of a gas line connection for the building.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Ms. Dent moved to recommend that the First Selectman initiate the appropriate processes for the advertisement and selection of an engineering firm for the anticipated demolition of five buildings (Litchfield, Bridgewater, Fairfield, Yale, Greenwich) with specifications and drawings for the planned athletic fields and to work closely with the firm handling the environmental specifications.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
First Selectman Rosenthal would like to have members of this committee be a part of the interview process for the engineering firm, along with our environmental consultant, the town engineer, Parks & Recreation, Ms. DeMarco and Mr. Posca.

Next Meeting:  Ms. DeMarco will put together a prioritized plan of action for halting the deterioration of buildings which will be sent out to members before the next meeting.  
        A special meeting will be held on Thursday, October 7, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

                                                John Reed, Chairman